How to Be Spiritually Buoyant
A compilation
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How can we expect to survive without the ability to swim? Without a life-preserver to keep us afloat? Of course, those who cannot swim will overcome this dilemma by simply avoiding the ocean! However, in life, surely everybody encounters times of great challenge and difficulty, such as personal strife, the loss of life, and so on. What we need … [is] spiritual buoyancy, an inner resilience, that will help us keep above the water when we suddenly find ourselves struggling to stay afloat in a great ocean of uncertainty.—Dave Ursillo
What does it take to be spiritually buoyant when the waves of life are choppy and turbulent? An influx of gratitude and an output of forgiveness. A knowing that all is truly well and suspending judgment of all situations and people.
These elements—gratitude, forgiveness, knowing, and suspending judgment—are critical to maintaining a buoyancy or bounce-back when the waves of life dunk you under for just a bit.
When you are going through something that is less desirable, remember to infuse gratitude for whatever is showing itself to you. Then, forgive yourself and others surrounding that situation. Know that all is well and that you were divinely guided to this moment. Finally, suspending or refraining from judgment prevents labeling a situation or person as “bad” before seeing the good or even just looking at it/them from a different perspective.
Blessings come in many different forms and shapes. Oftentimes the “difficult” experience reveals the diamond in the rough that it was, as you glance at it in the rear-view (mirror) of life, while you are moving full steam ahead. …
God designed us to be spiritually buoyant, but sometimes we forget how to be. Here’s how to remember: Gratitude, forgiveness, knowing, and suspended judgment.—Kimberly Jo Cooley
When we are struggling to keep our heads above rough waters and turbulent waves, we can begin to flip our attitudes and mindsets by immersing ourselves in the lives of others—by giving a helping hand, offering what goods or advice or listening ears we possess—we begin to create a sense of spiritual strength, of true inner resiliency, a deeply grounded “buoyancy” within.
It might seem an irony, but by giving ourselves to others—beyond our means and at our inconvenience—and focusing less on ourselves, our pains and suffering, we help develop the spiritual resiliency to stay afloat amid difficult times.—Dave Ursillo
Words from Jesus on how to rise above
Rising above means that things which seem they would be a certain way don’t have to be that way; you’re not held back or held down by physical circumstances; your surroundings or even the situation you’re in doesn’t dictate your reactions, your victory, your fruit, your anointing, or your happiness.
Of course, there are rough moments. There are times when you’re affected by your circumstances, or you feel the press or the strain of the situation that you’re in. That’s human and normal. But you always have the choice to rise above. You always have that option, because I’ve made it available to you. There’s never a time when you’re destined to be bound to the things of the earth, because you have the power to always overcome.
You always have the choice to look up and let the connection that we share pull you up.
You have to choose to look up to My face. You have to choose to take your eyes off of the circumstances and conditions, even though they might be demanding, depressing, worrisome, or are begging you to give them your attention. You have to choose to look past it all, up to Me. When you do that, we share a powerful connection.
Your decision to look past it all, to look up to Me in faith, makes our connection strong. Even if you don’t feel the faith, your obedience to look to Me is a step of faith or a statement of faith, and then I am able to lift you up, to join your spirit with Mine so that you see things more as I see them. This gives you greater faith, greater anointing, a broader perspective, and the peace and trust that you need.
The fact of the matter is if you could see things more like I see them you’d have less cause for worry and concern. You would joy in My perfect plan. You would rejoice at each new step that I bring into your path. You would rest securely in My care and foresight and protection. The way to keep that attitude of faith and realism—seeing things the way they truly are in the spiritual realm—is to keep rising above.
There will always be things around you that are difficult to bear. There will always be things that the Enemy tries to distract you with. There will always be things that I allow in order to keep you humble and desperate with Me. But you’re not to stay down in them, wallow in them, or be held down by them. You’re to rise above them! In so doing, you’ll find that you’re even stronger than before.—Jesus, speaking in prophecy
Compiled by Philip Martin. Published on Anchor May 2016. Read by Jerry Paladino.
Music by John Listen.
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