The Antidote to Worry
Words from Jesus
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Always remember that the future is in My hands. Any time you are tempted to fear or worry about the future, remember that most of your concerns are just speculation on your part. You don’t know the future, only I do, and I will always take care of you, no matter what the future holds.
You’re talking with the Premier Master at turning even defeat or seeming defeat into good. But I’ll need you to give Me space to work. Will you trust Me? I’m here for you. Remember that in your times of trouble, you are never alone or forsaken. My Spirit is always with you to comfort and protect you, and to lift your drooping heart. I understand what you’re going through and I promise that My presence will be with you constantly to comfort you during this time.
I will give you the grace for each step that I will lead you on in this path I have chosen for you. You’ll be amazed at the faith and trust that you’ll receive from My hand to be able to go through these times and to face down worry and fear. So hold fast to My promises and do not cast away your confidence in Me, which holds great reward.1
No matter what troubles befall you, I will bring you through these deep waters. You are My beloved, and I hold you up so that the waters cannot overflow you.2 The worse things may seem, the closer I’ll hold you. When your heart is overwhelmed, bring it to Me. You need not walk alone or battle on by yourself. Let Me carry you and bring you safely through troubling times. As you rest in My loving arms of comfort and hear My reassuring words, I will see you through.
No problem is beyond My ability to solve, but sometimes I don’t solve problems right away or change the situation because I am working out something better for you. Trust Me that I know best. Hold out for My best and be blessed!
Navigating stormy waters
When I promised to keep My children and to deliver them, I didn’t say that I would take them out of the difficulties that they faced. True, sometimes I do, but more often than not I bring them through those difficulties. If My children knew that as soon as they faced a difficulty they would immediately be pulled out of it‚ what strengthening of character and spirit would that bring about in their lives? In bringing you through tough times‚ difficulties, and hardships‚ I am able to give you My blessings of ultimate peace in the midst of any situation, faith that is not shaken, and a love for Me that nothing and no one can take away.
When you are experiencing troubling times, it takes faith to believe that I have a plan for your life and that you are on the right track. It takes faith to believe that you are actually making a difference in the hearts and lives of others. But as you follow My leading for your life, you will see that you are accomplishing My will and doing what I have called you to do.
The things that seem so difficult today are the things that, in the future, you will be thankful that you experienced, because they will have taught you important lessons of faith, patience, and wisdom. It’s never easy, but these will be the things that the spiritually stronger you of the future will praise and thank Me for bringing you through.
Life can be like sailing. I am your captain, and I know the seas of life. Many are content to just sail around in the safe harbors and not venture out into new waters, whereas others set their sails toward the horizon and head out into the open sea. It takes faith to set out into the open seas, to believe that My Word is true and that I will keep you safe and lead you on a true course. This type of faith is often gained through difficult situations where your faith is tested and you learn through experience that I will always bring you through the storms of life.
The shores of My blessings are not visible to those who stay in the harbor and never venture out for fear of stormy waters; it takes faith to set sail, trusting in Me to navigate you through them. My call to you is to venture out of conformity to this world, to let Me set the course of your life.
With each test you face and come through in life comes stronger faith. Remember that no problem or difficulty lasts forever. Things come and go. Life can be like a roller coaster, but I am your constant. My love for you is always present, and I can help you get through any challenge that you face.
Having lived on Earth, I know everything you will ever go through, and I will be with you to help you through whatever difficulty you face. I promise that I will not allow anything in your life that will not work for good in some way. You are Mine, and My love for you will hold you close through all your times of trouble. Your times are in My hands.
Keep your eyes on heaven. Fill your heart with My promises. Hold on to your faith and your crown, knowing that your present suffering, trying as it may be, is only for a moment and is not worthy to be compared with the blessings and rewards that I have in store for you.
Weary and heavy-laden?
When you feel that you can’t make it through another day, call to Me for spiritual reinforcement and ask for an extra measure of strength‚ grace, and endurance. When you feel as though you don’t have one ounce of strength left to give, come to Me and let Me refill you‚ which will help you to give again‚ with My Spirit giving through you.
Let not your heart be troubled or overwhelmed by the challenges you face. Trust that I have allowed this into your life so that you can grow in spiritual qualities, such as desperation and humility. These are My gifts to you, and they’ll be a strength and help to you in the days to come.
Sometimes when you’re in the midst of a trying time, it can seem like you are facing an impenetrable wall blocking your way‚ and all your efforts to break through seem to have no effect. But if you keep forging ahead, this wall of resistance will ultimately vanish, and you will come through stronger than ever!
Do not look at times of trials and tests as a rejection by Me‚ but rather as a time to leave all the cares of the world behind and to run into My arms. Sometimes I have to let you go through the valley of shadow and despair‚ where you will turn to Me for the comfort and encouragement you need.
Consider the passing of the seasons in nature. When winter comes, it seems like all plant life is dying out and all that is left is a cold wind blowing and a gray sky. But life is still present‚ only hidden in the warmth of the earth while the cold passes over. You can do the same when trials and difficulties arise. Come close to Me, bury yourself in My love and warmth, and let the problems and hardships of the moment pass over you. I will be like the warm earth all around you, protecting you and keeping you.
Real faith never quits‚ and you will find renewed strength as long as you keep fighting, keep praying, and keep looking to My Word for the answers. As long as you never give up, but trust in My strength to help you, you will rise above the obstacles of life.
Be not weary in well doing, for if you keep on going despite the circumstances, you will reap the rewards and be happy that you didn’t give up.3
Originally published October 2006. Adapted and republished August 2020.
Read by Simon Peterson. Music by Michael Dooley.
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