Words to Meditate On—Part 1
Words from Jesus
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Take time to stop‚ to step out of your realm of confusion, of the cares of this life, of responsibilities, of problems, of weariness and tiredness. Just shut it all out and don’t give it a thought. Take a moment to dwell on Me, to dwell on the beauties around you and let your mind wander into My realm. Let it know peace in My presence, rest in My arms, and dream of that which is heavenly. Let your thoughts fly to Me, your mind pull away from everything that would hold it down, would drag it down, and weigh it down.
Let My Spirit rest upon you and fill you with peace. Let My Spirit flow through your thoughts, mingle with your spirit, and give you strength. When our spirits meet‚ there’s a renewing of your spiritual strength.
When our spirits touch in communion‚ you receive more of My strength, and your gifts and anointing are refreshed. As you sit quietly and commune with Me, the cares of this world and the negative influences of the Enemy and all the things that hold you down are filtered out.
I speak to your thoughts and your heart and feed you with the things that I know you need. But you have to be still in order to receive. You have to come quietly to Me and let the power flow from Me to you.
Imagine that you are in a beautiful green meadow. It’s surrounded by trees and blessed with the song of many birds. A rippling brook flows merrily through it. It’s the most peaceful place you’ve ever been in. You feel completely safe and at peace. You’re absorbed by the simplicity. You’re satisfied by the calmness. You’re relaxed because you feel at home. There aren’t any other people around, but you know you’re not alone.
This is where our spirits commune. This is where I whisper words of love and encouragement and strength into your ear, and those words go deep into your spirit and refresh you. Stay here as long as you need to and let Me renew every fiber of your being with the touch of My Spirit. Then you can carry on your work with new anointing and strength.
I’m all around you like a balmy summer breeze‚ like a soft and cozy blanket‚ like a soothing balm of relief to cover you from head to foot. I’m not just with you during the happy times when everything is going well, but I’m with you through the tough times when your heart is breaking and your mind is full of questions.
I will always be here for you to help you through. I’m always beside you. I’m the one who whispers words to you that will move your soul and spirit more than any other ever could, because I eternally love you.
No matter what happens in your life, or what you have done, I will never stop loving you. Even if you walk out on Me, I will still love you. I’ll follow you and find you. I’ll knock on your door in the middle of the night and call to you until I see you, even if I wake up all the neighbors. I’ll email you. I’ll phone you. I’ll wave to you whenever I see you. I’ll still love you and show you that I love you. I am always here for you no matter what.
Reach out to Me and you will find Me. You will find peace even if you’re in the midst of a raging storm. You will find absolutes that you can hold on to when everything seems uncertain. And you will find most of all that no matter what, I am in control.
Find the eye of the hurricane, that special spot where there is perfect calm and quiet. Find that place with Me where, even though the world around you is being tossed about and turned upside-down, you still have peace in the midst of the storm. If you are faithful with your times with Me, resting in Me‚ dwelling in Me, loving Me‚ praising Me, and thinking of Me, you will always be able to find that “secret place,” where nothing will be able to touch you.
Take a moment now and imagine a scene of a confusing, noisy city in rush hour, with horns blaring, people running around, and general mayhem and confusion. That is the world you can get sucked into in your everyday busy life.
But now take a moment to step out of your world and into Mine. Mine is a scene of fields of grass and beautiful flowers. It’s a scene of undiscovered waterfalls where everything is lush and pure and clean; towering majestic mountains with their snowcapped peaks, where views are breathtaking, and there is always a cool, refreshing breeze. Another scene of My world is the powerful, majestic, and rolling ocean, the depths of the blue, where there are wonders above and wonders below.
I am in all of the beautiful creation around you‚ and by appreciating it, you are appreciating Me. By taking the time to stop and enjoy it‚ you are taking time to enjoy Me and all of My wonders and beauties, and you will be released from the hold that this world has on you.
Originally published October 2006. Excerpted and republished February 2019. Read by Maria Fontaine. Music by Michael Dooley.