The Lost Art of Handing Out Gospel Tracts
By Katherine Pittman
Many years back, the Lord placed a coworker on my heart. For weeks, I tried to tell her about the Lord on breaks and between scanning grocery orders. Eventually, I gave her a pocket-sized Gospel of John and encouraged her to read it. For a while, the booklet sat unopened. But one day she approached me at work. “I read your book,” she told me, “and I went to my friend’s youth group last night and prayed...” She didn’t need to say another word. The glow on her face told the whole story.
My husband was also saved after reading a tract. It’s true. Reading alone in his room at night, he read a boring tract and prayed the generic prayer on the back—and the Lord flooded his heart and changed everything. Do a quick internet search to discover many famous people, and even more you’ve never heard of, were saved through tracts. They work. People do read them. Servers. Bank tellers. That random person who found one in Walmart or grabbed a gospel booklet from the park bench. Even those left in bathroom stalls—those get read too.
(Read the article here.)