Rebounding with Praise—Part 3
Words from Jesus
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Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.—1 Thessalonians 5:16–18
An attitude of praise and worship engenders faith and hope, whether you’re in a difficult situation or you are in a good situation. Your words of praise in every situation and circumstance in which you find yourself are an expression of faith. This is why the Apostle Paul said to give thanks in everything and to rejoice evermore.
Choosing the path of praise in the times when you least feel like it can go against your natural inclinations. But when you go against your natural grain by walking in praise, your faith is honed and your spirit is lifted above the circumstances. When you experience times that test your faith and you choose to trust and praise Me in the midst of it, your faith is strengthened.
When you walk through the world with praise and a sense of wonder at My creation and the works of My hands, everything becomes clearer and you can walk through your day without getting bogged down by the cares and uncertainty of the world. When you take on the mindset of praise, it’s like climbing up to a mountaintop and taking on a new perspective, and the trials and problems of everyday life seem much smaller.
Mountain-climbing faith
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.—Psalm 100:4–5
When there’s a mountain looming in front of you that you just can’t climb, take a step back and bring the problem to Me with praise and prayer. Entering into My presence with praise and thanksgiving, no matter what situation you’re in, is a declaration of faith. Don’t try to keep forging ahead or to find a way to climb over it—bring your every concern to Me and trust that I will guide you and, if need be, help you to blast a tunnel right through the mountain you’re facing! As you trust that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, even when all is dark around you, by faith you will find the sunshine at the other end.
Have you ever felt like a magnet for problems and insurmountable obstacles and setbacks? Bring your every problem, difficulty, and setback to Me, and trust that I care for you (1 Peter 5:7). Remind yourself of the many times I have acted on your behalf, and put your faith into action through praise, standing on My promise to work every single setback you face together for your good (Romans 8:28). I made the world out of nothing, and I can surely work in and through every obstacle and problem that comes your way and cause all things to serve My good purposes.
As you enter into My presence with thanksgiving and praise, you will see things with greater clarity, and you will be able to take on a heavenly perspective regarding each difficulty you face in life. You will find peace in the knowledge that I do all things well.
It is well with my soul
When your first reaction to difficult situations, loss, or heartbreak is to come to Me and give Me your concerns and your burdens, and express your worship, you are trusting Me to work on your behalf. You are allowing Me to engineer circumstances and conditions that either turn the situation around or work even something extremely difficult or painful together for your good. I can use even the most difficult situations to bring about good in your life, and to engineer new possibilities that will help you to grow spiritually and draw closer to Me than ever before.
When you can come to Me in the midst of adversity and say, “It is well with my soul,” you are expressing your faith that one day you will see My hand in each adverse circumstance or problem that comes your way. In expressing your worship and praise even in extreme or dire circumstances, you are taking a stand of faith to trust in Me.
Choose a praiseful and grateful perspective. Determine to hold on to hope. As you learn to be joyful, no matter what the situation, you’ll find yourself eagerly looking forward to the fulfillment of My eternal promises—and you’ll learn to look at the future differently, knowing that it will be bright with the brilliance of My promises.
A prayer of praise from the Psalms
Lord, I will rejoice in Your salvation and lift up banners of victory in Your name (Psalm 20:5). I will find joy in Your strength, and I will sing and praise Your power (Psalm 21:13). Blessed be Your name, because You have heard the voice of my prayers. You are my strength and shield; I trusted in You, and I was helped. Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song, I give thanks to You (Psalm 28:6–7).
O Lord, I will give thanks to You for ever. For Your Word is right; and all Your works are done in truth (Psalm 33:4). I will praise You at all times; I will constantly speak Your praises (Psalm 34:1). O Lord my God, You have performed many wonders for us; Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal. If I tried to recite all Your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them (Psalm 40:5).
Each day You pour Your unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing Your songs, praying to You who gives me life. I will put my hope in You, God! I will praise You again—my Savior and my God (Psalm 42:8, 11). For what You have done I will always praise You, and I will always hope in Your name, for Your name is good (Psalm 52:9).
Published on Anchor December 2024. Read by Jon Marc. Music by John Listen.