Life Is a Journey, an Adventure!
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When you start praying for God to use you, the adventure begins!—Joe Clark
You are on an adventurous trail with Me. This is not an easy time, but it is nonetheless good—full of blessings as well as struggles. Be open to learning all that I want to teach you as you journey through challenging terrain. And be willing to let go of familiar comforts so you can say a hearty “Yes!” to this adventure.
I will give you everything you need to cope with the challenges you face. Don’t waste energy projecting yourself into the future—trying to walk through those “not yet” times in your mind. This is a form of unbelief. I have unlimited resources to provide what you need, including a vast army of Angels at My beck and call.
Pray continually as you make decisions about this journey. I can help you make wise choices because I know everything—including what lies ahead on your path. Your mind makes various plans about your way, but I am the one who directs your steps and makes them sure.—Jesus1
To fall in love with God is the greatest of romances, to seek Him the greatest adventure, to find Him the greatest human achievement.—Saint Augustine
Connecting with Jesus and getting to know Him in a personal and intimate way has become my soul’s daily priority. I’ve experienced a desperate “panting” after God’s Spirit day by day in an attempt to touch Him and experience His loving closeness in my life, and knowing that this presence is with me throughout the day. I’d like to say that finding “what works” has been and continues to be an adventure that excites me and motivates me to reach for His Word every morning in an effort to enter into His presence and to do those things that are pleasing in His sight.—Philip
Spiritual journey is a phrase used by many different religions to mean the natural progression of a person as they grow in understanding of God, the world, and himself. It is an intentional lifestyle of growing deeper in knowledge and wisdom. But what is meant by a spiritual journey toward Christlikeness is vastly different from a journey toward some kind of “spirituality” that does not include, and is not based upon, the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ …
At the heart of the spiritual journey is the understanding that it is a journey. None of us are perfect. Once we become believers, we are not expected to achieve instant spiritual maturity. Rather, the Christian life is a process involving both our attention2 and God’s work in us.3 And it has more to do with opportunity and intentionality than with age.4 Author John Bunyan, in his book The Pilgrim’s Progress, pictured the spiritual journey as a road full of trials, dangers, and blessings, starting with the cross and ending at the Celestial City …
A journey filled with studying the Bible, obedience to what it says, and trusting God is a lifelong adventure that will bring true understanding of the world and a deep love for its Creator.—From gotquestions.org5
The greatest thing you can do with your life is to live to the hilt the adventurous assignment God has given you. … Embrace your assignment, this great adventure chosen for you, and press it to the limit.—Jon Bloom
I won’t promise the adventure of life will be easy, but I do promise to be with you through the challenges and strengthening experiences that it will bring.
I am your Good Shepherd, and you will not lack for anything that is within My will to give you.
I will bring you to green pastures and restore your spirit every time it is weary and tired, and let you rest beside still and peaceful waters.
I will lead you in the paths of My righteousness, with My truth and promises by your side—because you need to be strong and able in Me.
Even if you walk through dark valleys, or face the possibilities of danger to your body or spirit, or endure deep and trying experiences, I will give you the power to not fear; I will grant you the ability to rise above those circumstances.
I will be with you through everything—the hard times and the happy times. I will instruct and guide you and comfort you in times of trial.
My goodness, mercy, love and strength will follow you everywhere! You will dwell in My house forever—first My spiritual house on earth, and then forever with Me in heaven.6—Jesus
Published on Anchor August 2020. Read by Reuben Ruchevsky.
Music by John Listen.
1 Sarah Young, Jesus Today (Thomas Nelson, 2012).
2 2 Corinthians 7:1.
3 Philippians 1:6.
4 1 Timothy 4:12.
6 See Psalm 23.
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