In Disaster’s Wake
Words from Jesus
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Even when things look darkest and the most dismal, I am right here with you. I never leave your side. I am with you in this time of turmoil to guide you, to protect and keep you, to give you the peace and comfort that passes understanding. Trust Me for this difficult time in your personal life, as well as for the hearts and lives of those around you. Trust Me to show you how to help others, how to comfort them, and how to be My love to them. I will guide you. I will be your comfort and your strength, so that you will have enough to give to others.
Look to Me. Look past the hurt and sorrow, the devastation, the heartbreak, and know that even if you don’t have the answers to all the questions, and even if you can’t understand why this disaster happened, I will pull you through. I will mend the brokenhearted and heal their wounds. Put your hand in Mine, and let Me walk with you through the destruction and show you how to minister My love to others and how to receive My comfort.
You have nothing to fear, for I am here. I will provide for you and your loved ones. I will protect your heart and spirit from hurting too much. I will surround you with My tender love and give you the grace you need to endure. Keep your eyes on Me and let Me sustain you. My arms are strong to comfort, My heart is large to welcome, My words are truth and will give you peace. Let My words be your strength and the light along your path.
When you are in the midst of tragedy, My Spirit in you can shine even more brightly. You have been touched with the difficulty and heartbreak and devastation, so when you can give a smile, a word of hope, or a portion of your time to serve those in desperate need—even when you don’t have all you need personally—it can be a powerful testimony of My love shining through you that can touch and change lives.
As the world grows more skeptical and hard-hearted, times like these are powerful opportunities to be Me to many. Just as I went among the poor, the lame, the sick, and the destitute, you do the same, even in your own loss, when you reach out to the neediest during these times. I’m proud of you for meeting the need, for giving despite your own want, for holding on to Me through the trauma. No matter what you have lost materially, you are still rich in faith, love, wisdom, and rewards in heaven. You shine in the midst of the darkness of these times. I honor you for your love and sacrifice, as you are a living example of My love for these precious people in their time of loss.
Thank you for letting Me use you to draw people to Me. Thank you for being My eyes and hands and heart and love to the lost and sorrowful and needy. Thank you for reaching out to others through your actions, with your prayers and your love. Thank you for being Me to those who have never seen Me before, and might never see Me if it were not for you.
When disaster strikes your life and you feel completely devastated emotionally, you can always praise Me for how I will make everything right in heaven. I will wipe away your every tear and repay your every sacrifice. In heaven, life will be perfect; so if all you can do is look ahead to that time and say, “Thank You, Jesus, for how some day You will make this all right again,” that is the heart of praise.
Turn your prayers and your efforts toward those who are suffering now, who are traumatized, and who have nothing left. Your prayers will help them find peace, comfort, and the aid that they so desperately need. Your prayers will help alleviate their suffering.
Pray for all those who are volunteering to aid in the relief efforts, the thousands who are trying to do what they can to alleviate the suffering. They are working under much pressure and in very difficult circumstances, seeing the desperate need and not feeling that they can make much difference due to the magnitude of the situation. Pray for their strength and endurance, and that through this experience those who don't know Me will come to know Me in some way, that they will not harden their hearts, but let the suffering that surrounds them soften their hearts and drive them to Me for the help, strength, endurance, and compassion that they need. So much can be accomplished to help alleviate the suffering through your prayers.
Ask Me to strengthen your faith and your spirit so that you can endure these devastations—whether caused by man or by natural disasters—in a spirit of trust and faith in Me. Always remind yourself of My promises that you are in My hands, no matter what happens.
Keep your hearts firmly attached to Me, your solid Rock, so that no matter what befalls you or the world around you, your faith will remain steadfast. Keep your eyes fixed on My love, heaven, and the wonderful afterlife that awaits you and all who place their hope in Me, and help to impart this hope to the world, so that they too can find peace in Me even in the midst of a storm.
One day I will return and heaven will come to earth. My Word will be fulfilled, and I will be the victor and will conquer the world for My glory. A new day will dawn. Keep your eyes on that heavenly vision! Do not despair during these times of great suffering, but let My light shine brightly through you so that you can offer others the lasting hope and solution of eternal salvation and citizenship in My kingdom.
Published on Anchor July 2019. Read by Gabriel Garcia Valdivieso.
Music by Michael Dooley.