Be an Angel

December 10, 2012

A compilation

Audio length: 6:25
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It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you ... yes, it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand.—Mother Teresa


Be an angel to someone else whenever you can, as a way of thanking God for the help that another angel has given you.—Eileen Elias Freeman


One can pay back the loan of gold, but one lies forever in debt to those who are kind.—Malayan Proverb


To give and then not feel that you have given is the very best of all ways of giving.—Max Beerbohm


It isn’t the size of the gift that matters, but the size of the heart that gives it.—Eileen Elias Freeman


Christmas is most truly Christmas when you celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most.—Ruth Carter Stapleton


It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.—Ralph Waldo Emerson


There is no greater joy nor greater reward than to make a fundamental difference in someone’s life.—Sister Mary Rose McGeady


We should make the Yuletide season an occasion not merely for the giving of material things but an occasion for the giving of that which counts infinitely more … the giving of self.—J. C. Penney


To celebrate the heart of Christmas is to forget ourselves in the service of others.—Henry C. Link


Of course, this is the season to be jolly, but it is also a good time to be thinking about those who aren’t.—Helen Valentine


The Christmas spirit—love—changes hearts and lives.—Pat Boone


Nothing that I can do will change the structure of the universe. But maybe, by raising my voice I can help the greatest of all causes—goodwill among men and peace on earth.—Albert Einstein


Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts.—Janice Maeditere


There is no ideal Christmas; only the Christmas you decide to make as a reflection of your values, desires, affections, traditions.—Bill McKibben


The spirit of Christmas fulfills the greatest hunger of mankind.—Loring A. Schuler


The world is large and complex, and sometimes there seems to be no sacred ground. But in tent and palace, in adobe hut and castle, in barrack prison and under lighted trees across the land, the language of Christmas is universal.—Marcus Bach


It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.—W. T. Ellis


Christmas is when love is king,
And love can do most anything!


Mankind is a vast family with people of all races and creeds. Each Christmas, as we reflect on God’s love, we are reminded that we are brothers.—V. Kaskow


Christmas is not just a time for festivity and merrymaking. It is more than that. It is a time for the contemplation of eternal things. The Christmas spirit is a spirit of giving and forgiving.—J. C. Penney


Let us have music for Christmas…
Sound the trumpet of joy and rebirth;
Let each of us try, with a song in our hearts,
To bring peace to men on earth.
—Mildred L. Jarrell


Ask your children two questions this Christmas. First: “What do you want to give to others for Christmas?” Second: “What do you want for Christmas?” The first fosters generosity of heart and an outward focus. The second can breed selfishness if not tempered by the first.—Unknown


Selfishness makes Christmas a burden; love makes it a delight.—Unknown


Christmas is not in tinsel and lights and outward show.
The secret lies in an inner glow.
It’s lighting a fire inside the heart.
Good will and joy a vital part.
It’s higher thought and a greater plan.
It’s glorious dream in the soul of man.
—Wilfred A. Peterson


’Tis not enough that Christ was born
Beneath the star that shone,
And earth was set that holy morn
Within a golden zone.
He must be born within the heart
Before He finds a throne,
And brings the day of love and good,
The reign of Christlike brotherhood.
Mary T. Lathrop

Published on Anchor December 2012. Read by Tina Miles.
Music taken from the
Rhythm of Christmas album. Used by permission.

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