Remembering the Savior

December 14, 2021

A compilation

Audio length: 11:28
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Sometimes in the busyness of the season, the shopping, the baking, the wrapping, the traveling, the gatherings, we forget the Savior. It is supposed to be about Him, yet He isn’t usually invited to this party. Many years ago, a young girl remembered the true reason for the season.

“One busy day during the Christmas season, I found myself hurriedly running from one store to another with three children in tow. The frenzy of the season and all of its activities were bearing down and had left me tired and exhausted. On one of our last stops, I quickly pushed past the aisle of Christmas decorations, despite the protests of my children, so that I could soon return home. At that moment, I realized that my daughter was missing. A sudden surge of panic came over me, but as I turned to look for her, I heard her call out to me.

“Oh, Mommy,” she exclaimed. “Look!”

There was my daughter standing before a light-up yard nativity scene. In the midst of busy shoppers pushing past, she slowly knelt before the Baby Jesus. The shoppers, still passing by, did not even notice one small girl kneeling before the manger. I reverently watched as she looked on lovingly at the Baby and spoke quiet words to Him. It was as though time stopped for me that night. While the crowds thronged on through the store, there was only a mother, with tears in her eyes, whose heart swelled with love for her daughter and her Savior, and a little girl who took the time to stop, remember, and admire the precious Christ child.

When she was through, Nicole rose to her feet and walked back to join me. As she slipped her hand in mine and we turned to walk away, I said a silent prayer of gratitude to my Heavenly Father for this wonderful gift of a daughter and this sacred Christmas experience. I was reminded of a scripture in Isaiah 11:6, “And a little child shall lead them.” With all the wisdom of a six-year-old, Nicole led me by the hand that night out of a busy store and into a more Christ-filled Christmas.—Author unknown1

Don’t Forget Jesus

Christmas is a special time
To reflect on Jesus Christ,
The wonder of His lowly birth
Brings meaning to our lives

There really is no other reason,
We celebrate this day,
The birth of God’s precious son
And the life He willingly gave

But so much seems to distract us
In the busyness of our lives,
We lose our focus in all the happenings,
Not knowing, we leave out Christ

We lose sight of the true meaning
As we endlessly rush about,
Trying to find that perfect gift,
Seems to cloud our Saviour out

We need to stop and reflect a while,
Remembering our precious Lord,
His birth, His life and sacrifice
And all that He stands for

For though the world may celebrate,
It seems, though, for other reasons,
Let’s keep in mind that Jesus Christ
Is the true meaning of the season.
—© By M. S. Lowndes2

Our reason for the season

And just like that, Christmas is only a few sleeps away. Christmas trees are flickering their bright lights. Tinsel is hung up all over the place and all the old family recipes are being retrieved from drawers to be used on Christmas Day. And let’s not forget about the last-minute manic Christmas shopping that is happening! Christmas is so close, we can almost taste it! Or in my case, already tasting it as I’ve already tucked into all the Christmas treats (what can I say, food is my love language)! But in the midst of all the excitement and shopping and preparation, we can easily forget that Christmas isn’t just about carols and fruit cake. It is about remembering that Jesus is our reason for the season.

Many call Christmas the silly season; however, the true meaning of Christmas is far from silly, because Christmas is when Salvation came to earth in the form of a baby in a manger. And it is at Christmas that we stop and remember what that really means.

In the midst of the festivities, let’s stop and remember that Jesus is our reason for the season. And in that, let’s make the time to stop and seek His face; to fix our gaze on the One who loved enough to come down to earth for us.

I don’t know what Christmas looks like for you, friend. Christmastime is a festive and joyful time, but it can also be a difficult time for some. It could be a time of great joy, or a time of great sorrow. You may be excited to gather your loved ones, or dreading spending Christmas alone. Whatever this season looks like for you, can I encourage you to spend time in fellowship with your Saviour. Carve out some intentional time, either alone or with others, to sit at His feet. To seek His face. And thank Him for His great love for you, knowing that His birth on earth was with you in mind.—Lays Halawe3

What would the Birthday Boy like?

I love my birthday and everything that comes with it—especially the many congratulatory phone calls, text messages, emails, Facebook wishes, and greeting cards from family and friends. For that one day, everything is about me—my favorite food, where I’d like to go, what I’d like to do, basically whatever I want. I love to bask in the “birthday girl” glory.

Sadly, I know of a birthday boy whose special day is becoming less and less about Him.

Today, Christmas has largely been reduced to a holiday from work, a time to shop, and a reason for relatives to get together. The decorations, exchange of gifts, and parties bring some excitement and merriment, but the Christmas spirit has been replaced to a great extent by the “holiday spirit.”

I once read about a small child who accompanied his grandmother to the shopping mall at Christmas and was awestruck by all the decorations, the toys, and the replica of Santa’s sled. Slowly taking the sight in, the child looked up at his grandmother and innocently asked, “Where is Baby Jesus?”

That child’s question has a deep meaning. Amidst the glitz and glamour of modern Christmas, are we forgetting the true reason for the season? How many of us remember that Christmas is Someone’s birthday and stop to think what He would like us to do for it?

I am sure He is touched by the time and effort we put into decorations and buying gifts for our earthly loved ones, but how happy He would be if we also gave Him a birthday present!

If you’re looking for ideas for a birthday present for Jesus, consider these:

This year, let’s do something for the Birthday Boy!—Sukanya Kumar-Sinha 

Published on Anchor December 2021. Read by Gabriel Garcia Valdivieso.
Music from the Christmas Moments album. Used by permission.




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