January 25, 2016
“Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”—Romans 8:391
Beloved, you can ask My Spirit to help you find freedom from condemning feelings. Acknowledge that those feelings have no basis in reality. Then look to Me through eyes of faith. Delight yourself in My heavenly smile of approval. The more you connect with Me through focusing on My presence, the more you can receive My loving affirmation.
The best antidote to feelings of condemnation is experiencing My love for you. You can also fight condemning feelings by pondering the truths of the Gospel.
Finally, remember that My Spirit is the Spirit of Life. Feelings of condemnation drain you of energy, leaving you vulnerable. As My Spirit fills you with life, you are empowered to live abundantly—to the full.
There is no condemnation for those who belong to Me, because through Me the law of the Spirit of life set you free from the law of sin and death.2
“I sought the Lord and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.”—Psalm 34:4–53
My child, I’m calling you to come to Me; rest and give Me your cares and your burdens, your heavy loads. The paths that you have walked these last few miles have been rough and rugged for you. There was a bump in the road, a little rugged patch that caused you to stumble and lose your footing somewhat.
It was such a small patch, a little bump on the ground in comparison to the many miles you have already walked, the mountains and valleys and steep climbs which you have already traversed. That slip was just a moment in time, but it was very real and difficult for you.
Don’t condemn yourself for the times you tripped and fell, for not walking upright and standing strong and straight and tall over that rough and bumpy road. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. You will find no condemnation in My heart toward you, My child.
I was aware of this crinkle in the road, of this stretch you would come upon that would be difficult for you, which you were not expecting. And now that difficult time appears to you as a sore spot, an ugly mark on the landscape of this past year. I know you don’t fully understand, but rest assured that what is not known to you is known to Me. You see the matter from the emotions and feelings of failure, but I see a much bigger picture. This has been My design, for I see you coming to Me now, as you have many times when you were at wits’ end, not knowing what to do or how to respond in this difficult situation.
When you come to Me, I am always there with open arms. I have comfort to give and succor, strength, love, and understanding, as you give all your problems to Me in faith and trust. No burden is too great, and no feeling of failure too big or complex for Me to lift. As you hear My voice calling you once again to come and lay down your burden, just set it down right where you are and come into My presence.
I have used this rocky patch of ground over which you have walked to draw you close to Me. When you fell to the ground in a heap, disoriented and uncertain how to proceed, I raised you up and drew you to Myself. Let Me lift the feelings of guilt and condemnation, the worries about your failures and your own weaknesses. Rest fully in My grace, and there you will find the reflection of My love and peace, as you come to Me with nothing in your hands—none of your own goodness or righteousness.
I have drawn you to Myself so that you might know My peace and comfort and love through your tears. When you are renewed, we will continue to traverse this great journey ahead together. I know that you will keep your hand in Mine, that we’ll walk side by side, that we’ll continue to have sweet communion and discussions together.
The path upon which we walk will not always be smooth and easy and straight. But when the rough times come and the bumps and difficulties in the road appear, as you stop and look to Me, I will strengthen you and bring peace to your heart. It’s a wonderful road ahead, My child, for I love you and I will be your strength, your joy, your life throughout the journey.
“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love, he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.”—Ephesians 1:4–64
Your relationship with Me is saturated in grace. Therefore nothing you do or don’t do can separate you from My presence. When you are keenly aware of having failed Me, feelings of guilt and fear will conspire to convince you that you have lost My love. Your sense of unworthiness will tempt you to punish yourself for your sins. But remember, I have clothed you with garments of salvation—arrayed you in My own righteousness. Your salvation is all about Me and what I have done to rescue you. Let Me help you feel more secure in My love.
At times of deep regret, you need to grasp onto grace for dear life. It is utterly impossible for Me to stop loving you. Your relationship with Me is so saturated in grace that the two are forever inseparable.
Meat that has been marinated cannot become unmarinated. The longer it soaks, the deeper the marinade penetrates, flavoring and tenderizing the meat. You have been soaking in grace ever since you trusted Me as your Savior. The longer you “marinate,” the more fully My grace permeates our relationship. It is impossible for you to become un-graced!
I want you to rest in the perfection of your salvation. My glorious grace makes you holy and blameless in My sight. So nothing you do or fail to do could ever separate you from My love.5
Published on Anchor January 2016. Read by Simon Peterson.
Music by Michael Dooley.
1 NIV.
2 Sarah Young, Dear Jesus (Thomas Nelson, 2007).
3 NIV.
4 NIV.
5 Sarah Young, Jesus Lives (Thomas Nelson, 2009).
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