October 30, 2014
Somebody loves you, and really wants to make you happy! We all want to be loved and to love someone. Love is the greatest thing on earth to most of us. Most sadness on earth, wars and violence can be traced back to a lack of love.
Amidst all the pain and suffering in this world caused by our lack of love for each other, if we will open our eyes and look around, we’ll see that the world is also full of beauty and wondrous life, the beauties of all creation put here because of God’s love!—The grass, the trees, the flowers, the glorious sunsets, the romantic moonlit starry nights, the wonderful animals. Even our pets understand love and cannot really live without love, and sometimes even die of grief.
We too desperately need love. We too are sometimes dying of grief without love, because we all need love and need to love someone. That’s what we’re here for—to love and be loved—and we’ve been given all the pleasures of sight for beauty, sound for music, taste for the deliciousness of food, and touch for the pleasures of feeling and loving and being loved. The pleasures of life were put here for our good and enjoyment because somebody loves us and wants us to be happy, and wants us to love and be loved, wants us to enjoy the pleasures in life, all of the good things, and wants us to have enough of everything, and intended for it to be heaven on earth as it was in the beginning.
Why is there so much hate and violence and evil, so much sadness and suffering in the world? Why must the world be like this, such a contrast between good and evil, between beauty and ugliness, between pleasure and hardship, between life and death? Why can’t it all be wonderful and beautiful and good and pleasant and pleasurable?
Well, it was all made to be that way in the beginning. But we chose to be selfish. We chose to have our own way. We chose to be unloving and unkind to others. We chose to break the rules that were designed for our happiness and our health and our pleasure, and went our own way, far from the paradise of our original creation. This has brought so much sin and suffering into the world, because of the lack of love among ourselves and a lack of gratitude and thankfulness to our Creator.
The whole world seems to have been turned upside-down through lack of love, whereas love could have healed so many wounds, restored so many hearts to happiness, eased so much pain and suffering, and averted so much death. But selfishness, greed, thoughtlessness, stubbornness, and rebelliousness have caused most of the sorrows of the world.
But there is someone who loves you, who even loved you so much and had such great love that He gave His life to save yours! “There’s no greater love than this, that a man lay down His life for His friends!”1 He did that for you, to pay for your sins and give you His grace and His love and His forgiveness, if you’ll just turn to Him and love Him and thank Him for His love and His forgiveness and His salvation.
Let’s face it, that’s what it’s all about! God put us here to love Him and be loved by Him through His wonderful creation and the pleasures He’s given us to enjoy, but we have violated His rules, which were made to bring us happiness. And although His whole creation testifies to His love and shows His greatness, goodness, and power, and that He is a good God, a loving and a kind God who wants us to be happy, we have gone our own way, ignored Him, turned our backs on Him and done as we pleased. This was not pleasing to Him, which is why so much misery, sin, and suffering have befallen this poor old earth.
We have spoiled the paradise on earth that He put here for us to enjoy. We have ruined it with all the hate, envy, greed, violence, pain, wars, and death. But He wants to save you from it, and some day out of it, and even now deliver you from many of these things, and give you joy, peace, happiness, and most of all, love!—Love for Him, love for others, and even love for yourself! He’s the giver of all good, the God of love, a loving God, for He is love. Do you love Him? If you do, you’ll enjoy the loving gifts that He’s given and created us to enjoy.
He has died to save you from it all, and He just wants you to turn to Him and be sorry and receive and believe in Him, and be thankful for His goodness. He wants you to try to love and do good to others, as He has done for you, as He wishes to do for you, and as He will do for you in an even greater measure in a wonderful future when He comes to take you into His heavenly kingdom. He will then take over the earth and rule with righteousness, love, mercy, goodness, and kindness, and will stop all wars and hatred and create a wonderful, glorious kingdom of love here on earth for us all to enjoy forever!
Do you love Him? If not, turn to Him today, because He loves you! Just ask Him to come into your heart, this wonderful somebody who loves you, and He will wipe away your tears and cause your pains to cease and give you a beautiful life of love that lasts forever!
Will you ask Jesus to come into your heart today?—God’s Son of love, the personification of His love, His own Son sent to earth to show us His love, who was persecuted, hated, and crucified. But thank God, He rose again and ascended to heaven to be with His Father, and now is with us by His Holy Spirit! Just think, God’s own Son died for you that you might live!
Do you believe in Him? Do you want to receive Him now so you can enjoy His forgiveness and so that He can save you from your sins and give you His wonderful salvation and a happy life of love with Him now and forever? You can take the first step right now by praying this little prayer:
Dear Father God, please forgive me for all the wrongs that I have done. I’m sorry, and I want to turn to You and receive You into my heart through the love of Your Son, Jesus. Help me to love You and love others and live by the words in Your book, the Bible, so that I can be happy and make others happy. In the name of Jesus, Your Son, amen.
Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if anyone will open the door I will come in and have fellowship with them.”2
Originally published by The Family International in May 1992. Adapted and republished October 2014. Read by Simon Peterson.
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